CONTEST: Star KYSR - Match and Win

Read contest details at their site here:

You can download a card too.


1. Tune in to Star 98.7 and play the Star Mix and Match for Cash Game at these weekday times: 7:20am, 10:20am, 2:20pm, and 4:20pm. Every time someone plays you get another clue!

2. Listen for the cue to call: 1-800-STAR-987 (1-800-782-7987). Caller 98 picks two squares from the Mix & Match Game Board.

3. If the artists behind the two doors match, you win $1,000! Match Jamie and you win $5,000.

Make sure you keep the game board to track correct guesses. And, if you are a Star Freeloader, you can better your chances with additional clues and extra credit points!

Official Rules

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